How to Use the Topic Prioritization Calculator

Organizations in the Action Center may have access to one or more assessments that help evaluate the organization's alignment with best practices and policies. For each of these assessments, Healthier Generation offers a tool, the Topic Prioritization Calculator, to help determine which topics within the assessment an organization might be most ready to work on.

How to Use the Topic Prioritization Calculator

The Topic Prioritization Calculator, lets users indicate how much urgency, stakeholder buy-in, and alignment with the organization's goals a topic might have. The tool then calculates which topics should be prioritized by the organization. These recommended topics are indicated with a star icon.


It is also possible to print the Topic Prioritization Calculator, download it as an Excel spreadsheet, and download a blank PDF version.

Where to find the Topic Prioritization Calculator

Users can find an assessment's topic prioritization calculator under the Assessments menu item in the left navigation of the Action Center. 

You can use the Topic Prioritization Calculator in the Action Center today!

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