
Wyoming, one of the largest states in the U.S., is one of the least populous. What the state lacks in population, it makes up for in beauty. Wyoming is home to Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park and the iconic Old Faithful geyser.

With so much open space, the state is a popular destination for hiking, skiing and other outdoor sports. But despite the many ways for its residents to stay active, more than a quarter of its youth are overweight or obese, putting them at risk for serious health problems.

Thanks to support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Alliance for a Healthier Generation is working with communities throughout the state to make it easier for kids to lead healthier lives.


Our Work in Wyoming

In Wyoming, we’re making it easier for kids to develop healthy habits.

Sixty-nine schools serving more than 20,000 students across the state have joined the Healthier Generation's Healthy Schools Program, creating healthier school environments for children to thrive.

We’ve also made it easier for over 1,000 youth in 7 out-of-school time programs to eat right and move more through our Healthy Out-of-School Time Initiative.


Success Stories

Hear from a school champion from just one of the many schools and districts we work with in Wyoming: Monroe Intermediate School, enrolled in the Healthy Schools Program since 2012.


Healthier Generation supported our schools with ideas for adding physical activity before, during and after school. Our district wellness program benefited as well: We implemented recess, physical activity breaks, physical education minutes and snack guidelines into our wellness policy.

Nancy Eklund
Health & Physical Education Teacher and Wellness Coordinator

Watch the video to learn more about how the Healthy Schools Program is helping kids lead healthier lives


Contact us and make your contribution to children's health in Wyoming.

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