Resources for Tobacco-Free and Vaping-Free Schools and Communities
Schools and districts nationwide are challenged with creating vape-free and tobacco-free campuses that support students’ health and academic success. Evidence shows that exclusionary discipline, such as suspension or expulsion, does not reduce use of tobacco products and disproportionately impacts students of color.
Our Action Center provides no-cost access to resources that include our Tobacco-Free District Model Policy, Thriving Schools Integrated Assessment, and Tobacco-Free District Policy Builder. View these and other tools to help build your team, create an action plan to track progress, download data reports, and much more.
Jump to a category:
Featured Resources
Tobacco-Free District Model Policy
Building Effective Tobacco and Vaping Policies
Tobacco-Free District Model Policy Implementation Checklist
Tobacco and Vaping Prevention
Tobacco Prevention Toolkit
Vaping: Know the truth
KidsHealth Teacher's Guide: Smoking (Grades K-2)
KidsHealth Teacher's Guide: Smoking (Grades 3-5)
FDA's Vaping Prevention Resources for Teachers, Students & Parents
National Institute on Drug Abuse: Teacher's Guides for Tobacco Prevention
CATCH My Breath™
Addressing Tobacco Use in Hispanic or Latino Communities Toolkit
Tobacco and Vaping Cessation
ACT to Address Youth Cessation | American Lung Association
My Life, My Quit™
SmokefreeTXT for Teens
The quitSTART app
This is Quitting
N-O-T: Not On Tobacco
American Indian Commercial Tobacco Program
Youth Tobacco Cessation: How to ACT (Ask-Counsel-Treat)
Tobacco-Free Schools
Building Effective Tobacco and Vaping Policies
Build Your Referral Pathway
Mapping Resources to Support Tobacco-Free Districts
Tobacco-Free District Model Policy Implementation Checklist
Applying the Trauma-Informed Lens to Tobacco-Free School Policies and Practices
Empower Vape-Free Youth Campaign
CATCH (Coordinated Approach to Child Health)
Take Down Tobacco
YVAPE Program
Supportive Discipline
Guide to Supportive Discipline Conversations
Reduce Tobacco Use and Vaping through Supportive Discipline
Schools Supporting Students to Quit Tobacco Use as an Alternative to Suspension: Lessons from the Field
INDEPTH® (Intervention for Nicotine Dependence: Education, Prevention, Tobacco and Health)
Healthy Futures Toolkit
Resources for Families
Talk with Your Teen about E-cigarettes: A Tip Sheet for Parents
Know the Risks: E-cigarettes and Young People
Resource list: Parents Against Vaping
Facts For Parents About E-Cigarettes & Vaping
Tobacco Endgame
Talk About Vaping
Looking for support?
Please contact our Member Engagement & Support Team at for technical assistance and best practices to build a healthy tobacco-free and vaping-free school environment.
Featured Blog Posts

Finding Your ‘Slant’: Youth Ambassadors Raise Voices for Tobacco and Vaping Prevention

Building Coalitions: How Public Health Advocate D'Jillisser Kelly is Raising Awareness to Reduce Tobacco Use and Vaping