Increasing Family & Community Engagement

Foster partnerships to build thriving school communities

By respectfully engaging families and communities, we create a powerful network of support that enhances achievement and lays the foundation for long-term success. Working together, we can make a lasting impact on every student’s journey.

Isabel Kashani Lara, M Ed
Whole Child Health National Advisor, Family & Community Engagement

Our evidence-based approach helps schools:

Lift up family leaders

Foster collaboration and trust, making families feel valued and invested in the school’s mission

Boost student success

Strengthen bonds between school and family that uplifts students’ confidence, engagement, and achievement

Encourage inclusive input

Create opportunities for families to share insights and influence school decisions for a more equitable learning space

Equip staff with insights

Gain valuable family perspectives to tailor approaches and support services that meet student's needs

Build lasting connections

Engage families as active partners, building relationships that shape school programs to reflect the community’s values

Get Recognized for Increasing Family & Community Engagement

Meet these criteria to qualify as one of America’s Healthiest Schools.


Our school:

To be eligible for an award, you'll need to be doing each one of these things. Learn how >

✅ Nice going! The award application will ask you to provide:

  • Describe how your school team gathered input from families on school policies and practices using inclusive and culturally response communication methods that included mechanisms to provide anonymous input.
  • Describe how family input results were analyzed, shared with community members, and used to improve family engagement and student learning.
  • Upload at least one (1) communication document sent to families that gathered input or communicated results on school policies and practices input in languages that reflected the diversity of the community.


Our school offers:

To be eligible for an award, you'll need to be doing all of these.
Find resources to help >

✅ Great job! The award application will ask you to:

  • Describe at least two (2) family engagement methods your school team used to support student success and learning at home


Our school:

To be eligible for an award, you'll need to be doing both of these.
Find resources to help >

✅ Great job! The award application will ask you to:

  • Upload at least one (1) communication document sent to families to support student success and learning at home.
  • Select the social drivers of health domains that your school team identified as needs after gathering input from caregivers.
  • Describe how your school team identified families'' needs related to the selected social drivers of health.
  • Describe how your school team connected caregivers to relevant supports and resources related to identified social drivers of health needs
  • Upload at least one (1) communication document sent to families connecting caregivers to relevant support and resources related to the identified social drivers of health needs.

Let’s make your vision a reality!
My team is here to help you become one of America’s Healthiest Schools.

—Naomi, Member Engagement & Support Team

Call 888-543-4584, book a chat, or send an email

Resources to Increase Family & Community Engagement