North Carolina
Healthier Generation's Work in North Carolina
Healthier Generation works closely with schools, community organizations, and partners throughout North Carolina to address a wide range of health topics, including food access and nutrition, chronic disease, vaccine access and confidence, and tobacco use. Together, our work is creating healthier school and home environments for children and families.
Since 2007, Healthier Generation has worked with more than 1,000 North Carolina schools and 112 out-of-school time programs, impacting over 650,000 students with our innovative health resources, trainings, and customized support.
105 North Carolina schools have earned recognition as one of America's Healthiest Schools for their outstanding efforts to support student, staff, and family well-being.
Current Initiatives
- Healthier North Carolina
With support from Novo Nordisk, the Healthier North Carolina initiative fosters an environment of health and well-being in the rural north and southeastern regions of North Carolina (Bertie, Halifax, and Northampton school districts), with a focus on food access and chronic disease reduction through school engagement and community collaboration. Our Healthier North Carolina Networking Team includes health departments, school systems, cooperative extensions, and non-profits.
- Vaccine Access & Confidence
With support from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) Healthier Generation provides resources and community support throughout North Carolina to expand access to routine and recommended vaccinations, as well as improve vaccine confidence among families and caregivers.
Our Work in Action
Read the latest stories from Healthier Generation staff and community partners about our ongoing work in North Carolina.
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