Vaccination Resources for Schools and Communities
Help protect students from preventable diseases by ensuring they are up to date on routine and recommended vaccinations. Explore resources on childhood vaccines and help spread the word.
Featured Resources
Checklist for Caregivers: Catch Up On Routine Vaccinations
en español
Ask a Doctor: What You Should Know About Flu, COVID-19, and RSV Vaccines for Kids
Research findings: Caregiver Perceptions of School-Required Vaccines
Resources for Families
Checklist for Caregivers: Catch Up On Routine Vaccinations
CDC Guide: Stay Up to Date with COVID-19 Vaccines
AAP Guide: Protecting Your Baby From a Measles Outbreak
Ask a Doctor: What Caregivers Need to Know About the HPV Vaccine
HPV Roundtable Guide: Protect Preteens and Teens with Vaccines
CDC Quiz: Which Vaccines Does Your Child Need?
CDC Guide: Who Needs a Flu Vaccine
Get Vax Facts
AAP Guide: Multiple Vaccinations at One Time
Video: Facing Meningitis
AAP Guide: Why Your Preteen Needs the HPV Vaccine
AAP Guide: RSV
Schools and Vaccines
Engage Families to Address Student Health
Research findings: Caregiver Perceptions of School-Required Vaccines
Vaccines for School Attendance: How to Effectively Communicate with Parents and Caregivers
Ask a School Nurse: How to Protect Kids from Infectious Diseases
CDC Guide: Routine Immunizations on Schedule for Everyone (RISE)
Toolkit: Ways Schools Can Support Routine Vaccination Catch-Up Among School-Aged Children
Find Your State Immunization Program
AAP Map: Child Vaccination Across America
For administrators: Addressing the Decline of Vaccination Rates of U.S. Students
Guide: Child and Teen Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
WATCH: Increasing Vaccinations | Equitable School-Based Solutions to Keep Kids Healthy and Learning
Vaccine Access and Equity
Culturally Responsive Strategies to Increase Child Vaccinations with Julissa Soto
Research findings: Assessing and Addressing Childhood Vaccine Delay
Sneakers on the Scene: Back-to-School Events Boost Vaccine Education and Access
Training: Vaccinate Your Family University
En Español
Lista de verificación de vacunas para padres
Quién necesita la vacuna contra la influenza
Cuestionario sobre las vacunas infantiles (CDC)
Virus respiratorio sincitial (VRS): cuando el problema es más que un simple resfriado (AAP)
Múltiples vacunas al mismo tiempo (AAP)
Por qué su hijo preadolescente necesita la vacuna contra el VPH (AAP)
Involucrando a las familias para abordar la salud de los estudiantes
Featured Blog Posts

Building Bridges: Health Advocate Synovia Moss Cultivates Collaboration to Advance Immunization Awareness with NCNW