
Our Work in Oklahoma

In Oklahoma, we’re making it easier for kids to develop healthy habits.

More than 480 schools serving over 232,000 students across the state have joined Healthier Generation's Healthy Schools Program, creating healthier school environments for children to thrive. Since 2007, 10 Oklahoma schools have been recognized with National Healthy Schools Awards for their outstanding efforts.

We’ve also made it easier for more than 6,200 youth in 64 out-of-school time programs to eat right and move more through our Healthy Out-of-School Time Initiative.

Healthier Generation enlists the help of regional and local partners to create healthier school environments. These partners, such as HealthCorps, receive specialized professional development training from Healthier Generation staff and gain access to Healthier Generation’s customized tools, resources and data that empower them to guide sites to improve physical activity and nutrition policies and practices.


Success Stories

Hear from a school champion from just one of the many schools and districts we work with in Oklahoma: Freedom Elementary School, a 2016 and 2018 National Healthy Schools Gold Award-winner enrolled in the Healthy Schools Program since 2013.

Parents have become a great resource for us. They come in and say 'we've got something healthy that meets the guidelines; can you add it to your snack list?' We embrace that with open arms.

Sara Breeze
Assistant Principal, Freedom Elementary School, OK


We're here to help you build a healthier future!

Our team is ready to support your school or district on its wellness journey. 

Call 888-543-4584, book a chat, or email our Member Engagement & Support Team

Contact us and make your contribution to children's health in Oklahoma.

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