How to Use Reports

Data-driven decision making helps organizations make progress toward their goals. The Action Center includes several reports to put data in the hands of decision-makers, allowing them to identify strengths and opportunities. Schools and districts have access to different levels of reporting.

Reports for Schools | Reports for Districts


Reports for schools show the school's assessment responses, when the last response was made, who made the response, and whether the item is in the school's Action Plan. 

Schools can also print and download reports in PDF, XLS, and CSV formats.

To access reports, click the "Reports" menu item in the left navigation of the Action Center.


Members of district teams have access to data about their own district-level assessments and Action Plan, as well as aggregate data about their schools' assessments and Action Plans. 

District-Level Reports

Reports for districts' own assessments are accessible on the first screen in a district's Reports area, under the "Assessments" heading.

These reports show the district's assessment responses, when the last response was made, who made the response, and whether the item is in the district's Action Plan. 

Aggregate School Reports

By clicking on the "View School Reports" button in the Reports area, a district can access aggregate assessment and Action Plan data from schools in the district. 

From here, district users can see a table of all the schools in the district, including information about how many Team Members each school has, and when someone from each school was last active in the Action Center. A chart showing the percentage of schools in the district that have used their Action Plan is also available here. Finally, district users can click on the name of an assessment to view aggregate school data about that assessment.


Aggregate school data about for a given assessment is presented in stacked bar charts by topic, facilitating comparison between topics to identify areas of strength and opportunity.

Clicking on a topic tips open a dropdown with a detailed view of assessment questions within the topic, again presented in stacked bar charts to facilitate comparison between assessment questions. This visualization also includes a line chart that shows how many schools have added a given assessment question to their Action Plans.

Under the chart key, a link to "View detailed reporting for this topic" allows users to drill down into more detailed data about the topic, including a table that displays individual responses to each question for each school.

Every screen throughout the Reports area of the Action Center can be downloaded as a CSV or XLS, and many can be printed. For some larger reports, such as the table of school assessment responses for a topic, downloads may take several seconds to generate a file. When your report download is ready, a notification will appear with a link to download the file.

These reports are intended to empower schools and districts with actionable data they can use to create healthy changes. If your school or district would like to explore opportunities for additional or customized reporting, contact [email protected].