Celebrating Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Join us in building bridges among young people and caring adults to support youth well-being. Explore events and activities that help families foster communication, develop social and emotional awareness, and build trust at home and in our communities.
Tune in to YouTube and Instagram

One Day of AANHPI History Lesson
Attend a virtual lesson about Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander history, developed and taught by AAPI Youth Rising. Student leaders will teach their lesson and best practices for implementing AANHPI history and culture lessons.
Watch the lesson on demand @HealthierGeneration on Instagram and YouTube.
Celebrate Culture and Community
Learn from AANHPI leaders who celebrate culture through food, literature, movement, and education.
Chef Justin's Simple Ways to Make Kids Love Cooking
WATCH Good Luck Gold by Janet Wong | Take 5: Poetry Brain Breaks
‘Ohana Engagement, Haikus, and an Invitation to Reflect
Creating a Sense of Home and Community Through Food
Movement for All Ages | Practice Qigong with Usa Lee Prompongsatorn
Green Papaya Salad Recipe
New Resources in Mandarin and Nepali
Family Activities | 家庭活动 | पारिवारिक गतिविधिहरू
Foster communication, develop social and emotional awareness, and build trust for your family’s well-being.
Silly and Speedy Conversation Starters
रमाइलो र छिटो कुराकानी सुरु गर्ने तरिकाहरू
Feelings Chart
भावनाहरूको चार्ट
Making a Feel Good Plan
राम्रो महसुस हुने योजना बनाऔं।
Family Agreements
पारिवारिक सम्झौताहरू
Foster Communication
Sharing stories about our lives and listening to each other helps us gain understanding and improve communication.
How to Build Healthy Communication with Teens
Silly and Speedy Conversation Starters
Sharing Our Stories: Family Conversations for Social-Emotional Health
Develop Social and Emotional Awareness
Learning to describe and express our feelings in healthy ways helps us get the support we need and support the people we care about.
How to Foster Self-Awareness when Challenging Emotions Arise
Making a Feel Good Plan
Cómo fomentar la autoconciencia cuando surgen emociones desafiantes
Feelings Chart
Build Trust with Kids and Teens
A strong sense of trust helps young children and teens feel supported and respected by caring adults.
Family Agreements
20 Family Bonding Activities
Championing Youth Well-Being: How to Support AANHPI Youth and Their Peers
Discover family-friendly resources that support whole-child health at KohlsHealthyAtHome.org and Kohl's Healthy at Home en español.
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