Plan for Success
The success of your employee wellness program is dependent upon how well you plan, promote, and communicate wellness priorities to your staff.
3 Steps to Have a Successful Employee Wellness Program
Step 1: Create an Action Plan
Every employee wellness team needs a leader and an action plan. Begin by identifying a school wellness committee member to lead the employee wellness program. This leader should then spearhead the creation of an employee wellness action plan.
An effective employee wellness action plan:
- Addresses the data received from your team's health risk assessment
- Addresses the needs and interests identified by the responses to your Employee Wellness Interest Survey
Collects and tracks staff participation rates in wellness activities and programming
Step 2: Communicate and Promote
Regularly communicating your wellness initiatives and programming to employees is vital to engaging others in your efforts and encouraging participation. Try a few different methods of communication to determine which form(s) work best for your team.
- Produce and share a monthly Employee Wellness Newsletter
- Tip: Search "Employee Wellness" on the Healthier Generation Blog or explore our Employee Wellness resources for tips and tools to highlight
- Pin program information on a bulletin board that hangs in a central location
- Create a district calendar of employee wellness events
- Starting a staff wellness Facebook group
Step 3: Make Changes
Take this opportunity to create sustainability in your employee wellness efforts by converting your employee wellness programs and practices into policy. Download the Healthier Generation Model Wellness Policy template to use as your guide in developing wellness policies that can be incorporated into your district’s wellness policy.
Next Step:
You’re ready to put your policy into practice!