Sleep Smarter. Perform Better. Survey


Thank you for participating in this quick survey as part of the “Sleep Smarter. Perform Better.” campaign! Your participation in this survey is completely optional and your responses will be kept confidential. It should only take you about 5 minutes to answer the questions. You might recognize some of the questions from our Healthy Sleep Quiz - because we are hoping to measure the impact of the “Sleep Smarter. Perform Better.” resources.  

Results of the survey will be used to improve future campaign, tools, resources and support provided to parents, schools and out-of-school time programs.  

Thank you in advance!

Section 1

How would you describe your knowledge on child and youth sleep today compared to your knowledge prior to Sleep Smarter. Perform Better.?
Did you access at least one resource or activity from the Sleep Smarter. Perform Better. digital resource center?
What resource(s) did you access from the Sleep Smarter. Perform Better. digital resource center? Check all that apply.

Section 2

Do you know how much sleep the average child (age 6-12) needs each day?
How much sleep does the average teenager (age 13-18) need each day? 
How did you hear about this campaign?
From which organization did you hear about this campaign?

Section 3

Which of these best describes your role in your school, district, or out-of-school time program?
About how many total students are in all the classes you teach?
About how many total students are enrolled in the school(s) you work for?
About how many total students are enrolled in your school district(s)?
About how many total students are enrolled in your out-of-school time program(s)?