Health Education, Out-of-school time, Physical Activity Ask a Children’s Health Expert: Supporting Wellness with Wearable Technology Wearable technology like fitness trackers designed for young users have become increasingly popular. For…
Healthy Schools, Out-of-school time Their Voice, Their Choice: Ideas for Supporting Youth Engagement We know that centering the voices, opinions, and needs of youth is an essential strategy to support the mental…
Healthy Communities, Out-of-school time Every Body Is a Summer Body: How Caregivers Can Encourage Self-Esteem and Body Acceptance in Young People Summer can be a great opportunity to connect with ourselves and our loved ones. Whether you’re looking forward…
Healthy Eating, Nutrition, Out-of-school time, Recipes Healthy Hydration for a Hot Summer Day When temperatures soar, it's important to make sure you and your family are practicing healthy hydration…
Family Engagement, Healthy Eating, Healthy Schools, Nutrition, Out-of-school time, Recipes Afterschool Snacks: Watermelon Pizza It’s the end of another school year and time for celebration. This year, why not celebrate with a watermelon…
Family Engagement, Healthy Celebrations, Healthy Eating, Healthy Out-of-School Time, Nutrition, Out-of-school time, Recipes Afterschool Snacks: Leprechaun’s Green Smoothie This March, celebrate National Nutrition Month® and St. Patrick’s Day with a nutritious and delicious green…
Family Engagement, Healthy Eating, Healthy Out-of-School Time, Out-of-school time, Social-Emotional Health Integrating Wellness into STEM Education STEM and Wellness: Finding Intersections Successful wellness resolutions require teamwork and collaboration…
Healthy Schools, Nutrition, Out-of-school time, Physical Activity, Policy SNAP-Ed and Healthier Generation: 2 Success Stories Healthy kids are better learners, which is why Healthier Generation is committed to ensuring that schools and…
Health Education, Healthier Generation Store, Healthy Schools, Nutrition, Nutrition Services, Out-of-school time, Smart Food Planner, Smart Snacks Expanding Access to Healthy Foods and Teaching Healthy Habits during National Nutrition Month and Beyond March is National Nutrition Month, which makes it a great time to highlight the role that schools and out-of…
Healthier Generation Store, Healthy Schools, Nutrition, Nutrition Services, Out-of-school time, Smart Food Planner, Smart Snacks Introducing the Healthier Generation Store with Amazon Business! We strongly believe that an organization’s budget or zip code should not hamper its ability to serve healthier…