Frijoles Negros con Chicharron

Serves 3

Submited by Maria Martinez

About the Recipe

Maria's mom taught her this history. She typically accompanies it with rice. Her aunt had a diner in a market in Guatemala. This is a traditional Guatemalan dish that typically has pepitas, but Maria and her family prefer it without and have added their own tradition to making this dish.


  • 1 pound dried black beans 
  • 1 head garlic 
  • 1 peeled yellow onion 
  • 1 teaspoon salt 
  • 2 pounds chicharron (whole chunks)  


  1. Wash beans three times with fresh water. Rub beans with hand in colander and running water. 
  2. Add beans, garlic, onion (cut across on top of it to release more flavor), and chicharron to one large pot. Cover beans with about 1 gallon of water. 
  3. Boil beans and water until beans are tender. They should reach a rolling boil. Squash one bean- if it squashed easily, they are ready to be salted. 
  4. Add one teaspoon of salt, or to taste. 
  5. Once everything is tender, the chicharron and the beans, it is ready to eat! You should have a slightly thick boiled bean mixture.