August 10, 2020

#SEHealthChat – COVID-19 & Back-to-School: Recap & Top Takeaways

This post recaps the second Twitter chat in our ongoing #SEHealthChat series. Click here to revisit the highlights from the August 2019 chat.

On August 6, Healthier Generation teamed up with Harmony SEL and Kaiser Permanente to co-host a Twitter chat: “COVID-19 & Back-to-School: A Social-Emotional Health Twitter Chat.” During the chat, participants discussed the unique challenges and opportunities facing educators, students, and families as they head back-to-school amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Together, we explored ways to equitably meet the health needs of the whole child—whether kids are learning at school, at home, or a combination of both—and the ways educators and families can support one another’s social-emotional well-being during this time.  

What did we learn about our collective needs and priorities as we head into this new school year? Chat participants echoed three common themes throughout our conversation: communication, collaboration, and empathy

Check out the highlights below for some top takeaways from the chat. You can view every tweet from the chat by searching #SEHealthChat on Twitter.  

Question 1: For many, the back-to-school season looks and feels very different this year. How might these changes affect student’s social-emotional health and well-being? #SEHealthChat 


Question 2: Supporting the health of the #WholeChild is critical, no matter where learning takes place--—at school, at home, or a combination of both. How can educators and families work together to support students’ comprehensive health needs? #SEHealthChat 


Question 3: Connectedness supports students’ learning. How can we ensure students stay connected with peers and teachers in virtual learning settings? #SEHealthChat 


Question 4: What are the biggest challenges facing educators, families, and/or members of your community right now? What supports do they need? #SEHealthChat 


Question 5: Stress and uncertainty affect educators, parents, and caregivers, too. How can we collectively support adults’ social-emotional health and well-being during this time? #SEHealthChat 


Q6: Last question: what are your favorite resources for supporting social-emotional health & #SEL among students, educators, or families? #SEHealthChat  


Have thoughts or resources of your own to share? We’d love to hear from you! Join the conversation and share with us on Twitter by tagging us at @HealthierGen and using #SEHealthChat.