September 18, 2024

From My Family to Yours

Creating Intergenerational Connections Through Traditional Recipes

This image of a table setting is taken from the From My Family to Yours Intergenerational Cookbook, symbolizing the myriads of connections we make with family and community through food and culture.

English | español    

In April 2024, Alliance for a Healthier Generation, along with our health equity partners at the City of Los Angeles Department of Aging and Woodcraft Rangers, launched From My Family to Yours, an intergenerational cookbook that features a mosaic of stories, traditions, and recipes lovingly gathered from both the youth and older adults of Los Angeles. Each recipe is a testament to the power of fostering community and a sense of belonging through food, culture, and familial legacies.  

“Through the pages of From My Family to Yours, readers are invited to embark on a culinary journey that delights the senses and touches the heart. It’s more than just a book of recipes; it’s a celebration of life and culture to honor the past, embrace the present, and look forward to a future where meals are shared, and every table is an extension of our global family.” - Josephine Thomason, national advisor, Whole Child Health at Healthier Generation 

Whether it’s forging relationships between heads of state or deepening bonds across family generations during the holidays, food has always been one of the most approachable ways to bring people closer together. For families, sharing stories during mealtime can boost social-emotional health and positive emotions like happiness and empathy. Connecting over a meal can mean delighting in nutritional variety and also creates an opportunity to discover new cultures and traditions. Families that try new foods and flavors together also nourish their minds, sparking curiosity and understanding of human diversity. 

In celebration of Hispanic and Latino Heritage Month, the six recipes and stories below have been translated into Spanish. Take a deeper dive into the flavor, tradition, and celebration! 

 birria de res | español  

Serves 10 

Submitted by Martha Marquez 

About the Recipe 
This is a traditional Mexican recipe that can be enjoyed during special occasions like birthdays, graduations, and other celebrations.

caldo de pollo | español 

Serves 3 

Submitted by Cristela Martinez

About the Recipe 
Cristela’s grandmother used to make this Salvadoran recipe for her before she immigrated to the United States.

charro beans | español  

Serves 10 

Submitted by Rosela Andrade 

About the Recipe 
This recipe is a dish that originated in the ranching communities of Texas and Mexico.


enchiladas de pollo | español 

Serves 6 

Submitted by Maximus Mendez 

About the Recipe 
This is a Mexican recipe that can be made with just cheese or chicken.


frijoles negros con chicharron | español 

Serves 3 

Submitted by Maria Martinez 

About the Recipe 
Maria's mom taught her how to make this traditional Guatemalan dish to which her family has added their own traditional spin. 


la-style burrito | español 

Serves 2 

Submitted by Adan Hernandez 

About the Recipe 
Adan likes the combination of salsa and carne asada in this special burrito recipe his mom and Abuelita make. 


Are you making these or your own recipes at home or for your community? Tag Healthier Generation in your recipe photos on social media: X, Facebook, Instagram. 

Discover more recipes and nutrition and healthy eating resources for schools and families in our Action Center.

Audrey Rodriguez

Strategic Communications Manager | Alliance for a Healthier Generation