Staff, Students Benefit from Social-Emotional Learning in Jackson, Tennessee Daphne Johnson, Physical Education and Health Consultant at Jackson-Madison County School System, understands…
Family Engagement, Healthy Communities, Healthy at Home, Healthy Schools, Popular ‘Ohana Engagement, Haikus, and an Invitation to Reflect I recently had the honor of presenting a workshop at the 2021 Ohana Engagement Conference. This virtual…
New Report Shows Significant Reductions in Consumer Calories from Beverages Since Launch of Landmark Industry Goal WASHINGTON, D.C., Oct. 14, 2021 — The latest evaluation of a public commitment by America’s beverage companies…
Family Engagement, Healthy at Home, Healthy Eating, Healthy Role Models, Physical Activity, Popular, Recipes, Wellness Story Healthy at Home with Esther Oyola & Daughter Like many parents sending their kids back to school this year, Esther Oyola of Kissimmee, FL is thinking about…
Family Engagement, Healthy at Home, Popular, Social-Emotional Health El mapa de su identidad English | español Existe un fuerte vínculo entre las identidades y la forma en que las personas piensan, viven…
Family Engagement, Healthy at Home, Popular, Social-Emotional Health Mapping Your Identity There is a strong link between identities and the way people think, live, learn, relate, and value. Understanding identities is essential for building strong relationships in our communities.
Integrated Health Resource Supports Schools' Emerging Needs OAKLAND, Calif., Sept. 29, 2021 – As the world continues to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and school…
Healthier Generation Welcomes Maria Echaveste to Board of Directors August 17, 2021 – The Alliance for a Healthier Generation, a national children’s health organization, today…
Healthy at Home, Healthy Eating, Physical Activity, Popular, Social-Emotional Health Nos Acercamos Más a la Equidad en la Salud: en casa, la escuela y la comunidad Ideas prácticas e historias de éxito para el hogar, la escuela y la comunidad.
Healthy Communities, Healthy at Home, Popular, Social-Emotional Health Apoyo a la Equidad en la Salud en Casa Formas sencillas de dar a los niños la seguridad, la estabilidad y el bienestar que necesitan para prosperar.
Family Engagement, Healthy at Home, Popular, Social-Emotional Health Compartir Nuestras Historias: Conversaciones en Familia acerca de la Salud Socio-Emocional Consejos y temas de conversación para mejorar la salud socio-emocional al compartir historias entre las generaciones.
Family Engagement, Healthy at Home, Popular, Social-Emotional Health Cómo Mantener a los Estudiantes a Salvo del Acoso: Estrategias para Educadores y Familia Identifica las señales de acoso y las estrategias para fomentar un mayor sentido de pertenencia.
Healthy at Home, Healthy Role Models, Popular, Social-Emotional Health Family Moments: Restaurant & Home Life with The Chos As parents of two young children and owners of the popular Han Oak restaurant in Portland, OR, Chef Peter Cho…
Kohl’s Gifts $5 Million to Alliance for a Healthier Generation, Strengthening Company’s Ongoing Commitment to Family Health and Wellness This release was originally published on MENOMONEE FALLS, Wis., July 14, 2021 – Kohl’s…
Family Engagement, Healthy at Home, Healthy Eating, Nutrition, Popular, Recipes Making Moutsayhang – Watch and Cook-Along with Chef Donny Sirisavath Before earning national honors from Bon Appétit and Food & Wine magazines, Chef Donny Sirisavath of Khao…
Family Engagement, Healthy Celebrations Here’s to You, Moms No two mothers are alike, but all are equally special. On Mother's Day, we celebrate all mother figures…
Family Engagement, Healthy at Home, Popular, Social-Emotional Health Keeping Students Safe from Bullying: Strategies for Educators & Families English | español Bullying is a tough and continuously evolving topic to take seriously when it comes to whole…
Family Engagement, Healthy Communities, Healthy at Home, Social-Emotional Health Connecting Over A Meal Learn how the Hawai'i Youth Food Council and others utilize food as a catalyst for community connection.
Statement from Kathy Higgins, CEO, Healthier Generation The jury’s verdict in the murder trial of George Floyd at the hands of law enforcement will never undo the…
Family Engagement, Healthy at Home, Healthy Eating Make the Most of Mealtimes Think back to some of your favorite memories as a child, to the meaningful events that took place over…