Get caught up on routine and recommended childhood vaccinations

Vaccination Resources for Schools and Communities

Help protect students from preventable diseases by ensuring they are up to date on routine and recommended vaccinations. Explore resources on childhood vaccines and help spread the word.

Resources for Families

Get Vax Facts

Take steps to ensure your kids are up to date on their routine vaccinations with resources from Get Vax Facts.

Video: Facing Meningitis

This educational video by Texas Children's Hospital conveys the importance of young people receiving the meningococcal meningitis vaccine.

AAP Guide: RSV

The American Academy of Pediatrics shares what you need to know about respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

Schools and Vaccines

Vaccine Access and Equity

En Español

Spread the word!

Help families access vaccination information to keep their kids in school, safe, and protected from viruses.

Sample social post
To help keep students in school and safe, you can play a critical role in protecting them from preventable diseases. Share this important vaccination information with families and caregivers today!: via @HealthierGen

Ahora que los niños regresan a los salones de clases, usted puede desempeñar un papel fundamental para protegerlos de enfermedades prevenibles. Comparta hoy mismo esta importante información sobre la vacunación con los padres, madres y cuidadores: via @HealthierGen

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